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How To Take Your Small Business To The Next Level. Spend 3 Minutes To Get The Answers You Need

At The Entrepreneurs Mentor, I offer a free report, consisting of quick fire easy to answer questions to help business owners identify what they need to make a change for the better. This blogs talks about the report and gives tips for unblocking the busy mind.

How to take your small business to the next level.

Spend 3 minutes to get the answers you need

Do you have a fantastic business idea, but not sure how to get off the ground? Maybe you’ve been running your business for a short while but feel like you’re just treading water.

Now could be the time to step it up and focus on how to take your business to the next level.

After investing only 3 minutes of time in answering 24 quick-fire yes/no questions, you could find that your mindset is sufficiently shifted onto the key areas you need focus on. My Business Builder Questionnaire costs you nothing to complete but could pay dividends.

Take the questionnaire HERE

What kind of answers will you get in the report?

You’ll be asked 24 very simple questions to establish how your business is currently structured and how you fit within it. We’ll discover if you’re risk averse, easily distracted, have clear goals and understand your customer’s needs.

From here, you will receive my answers via personal email, giving you free advice tailored to your specific needs right now. This is not an automated questionnaire!

Answers are structured in a way that allows you to take immediate action and implement small changes for success. For example, one of the questions which frequently attracts a ‘no’ response is, ‘Are you using your valuable time in the best possible way?’

As a start-up you are most likely not, since you will be trying to create a structure for your business, find new customers and work on the ones you have. You’ll be wearing many hats and likely managing things like marketing, invoicing, bookkeeping and accounts all on your own, and probably frequently run out of time to implement something.

How will you use the results?

Completing my Business Builder Questionnaire is a great way to access free advice before making any commitment to sign up with a business coach.

Within the greater detail of the answer to the question above are a couple of tips:

Tip for managing distractions: Try completing a log of interruptions and distractions, including who and why. This should help you identify trends, which make it easier to manage with either delegation, systems or communication.

Tip for your to-do list: Try prioritising your to-do list by adding markers such as 1a, 1b or 1.1, 1.2 for example. Move those items into your diary and block out the time to get them done. You can schedule the same times and days each week or month for tackling this list if it consists of longer-term goals, or the same time every day if they’re short-term. This forms a healthy habit for achieving your tasks.

What next?

My hope is that you find the personalised answers thought provoking and useful in developing your business.
So, what’s stopping you? Take the Business Builder Questionnaire today.

If you would like to discuss your answers with me, I offer a complimentary hour of business mentoring to help you laser focus your next steps. This hour is 1-2-1 and can be an overview of all the questions, or we can take an in depth look at one or two specifically.

You can give me a call on 01235 614809 or email me at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.

The Entrepreneurs Mentor

Mike Foster
The Entrepreneurs Mentor

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