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How to Start a Business in Galway

Free start-up resources and useful local contacts.

Improve your chances of success!

How to Start a Business in Galway

Starting a business in Galway

If you are thinking about starting a business in Galway or would like to grow your existing business, we would love to help you.

Start Your Own Business in Galway contains resources and the information that will help give your venture the best chance of success. It also highlights organisations who offer friendly advice and the services that you are likely to need as a new startup or local business owner.

Grants | Networking groups | Business advice | Mentoring | Co-working spaces

Starting a business in Galway

Local help for startups

There is plenty of help for startups in Galway but where can it be found?

Select classification:

Starting a Business in Galway

Business advice and support

"Two heads are better than one."

Whether you have been trading for some time, are new to the market or are just thinking about starting a business of your own, it has been proven that your chances of success are considerably improved if you seek support from an experienced business advisor or mentor. You can find out more about both options at Business Advice in Galway and Business Mentors in Galway.

Funding and grants

Running out of money is one the most common reasons why businesses fail. This risk of this happening to can be avoided (or minimised) by careful planning and cashflow forecasting. If you need additional funds to start or keep your business going, you can learn more about your options and download our free funding factsheet at: Galway Business Grants and Business Funding

Business networking

Does the idea of business networking fill you with delight or dread? Either way, it can be beneficial for both your business and you as an entrepreneur. See Business Networking in Galway for details of local groups and our free Networking Factsheet.

Business premises

Working from home is appealing to many new business owners but not practical for many others. Even if you are running a business by yourself, you might like to consider the option of 'hot desking' or co-working in one of the many flexi-workspaces that have emerged in recent years. Find out more at: Galway Co-Working and Business Premises.

Finding new customers

Paying customers are the lifeblood of any business. Knowing how to find, satisfy and retain them is vitally important and best achieved with the help of experts in the field.

Accountancy, tax and law

While starting a new business is very exciting, this should not disguide the fact that there are some very important legal responsibilities that must be considered. See: Bookkeeping, Accountancy, Financial Planning and Law

Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

Free Startup Resources

Getting it right from the start can help to prevent problems later.

To help you with this we have created a vast selection of resources and they are all completely free!

FREE startup workshops

If you are thinking about starting a business, our FREE three-hour ONLINE workshop is definitely for you!

Open to everyone, our sole aim is to increase your chances of success. We do that by explaining:

The reality of running a business; the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them; which legal status is likely to be most suitable; funding, grants and managing your money; business planning and cashflow forecasting; finding and keeping customers.

Free startup guide

Start Your Own Business in 2024

Download the 2024 edition of our Free Start Your Own Business guide

An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered in an easy-to-read way with links to useful online articles and relevant contacts.

The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?

However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don’t become one of them.

This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English.

There is also plenty of help available in the area and much of it is free - please do make the most of it.

Read more about what our Free guide contains and how you can download it.
Starting a business in Galway

Key Contacts in Galway

'You don't know what you don't know' is a phrase that is so applicable to starting a new business.

Galway is a great place for start-ups but your chances of success are dramatically improved if you make the most of the support that is available locally. Click on logos to visit their websites.

Small business life can be tough but rewarding. You need to begin from the best possible position. Think Business have produced a guide to starting a small business in Ireland. has been created for Irish business owners and managers who are seeking information, resources and help on a range of business topics. provides practical, actionable information and guidance on starting, growing and running a business. It offers guides, tools, templates, checklists and a wealth of other content tailored to meet the needs of Irish business owners and managers. It also showcases case studies, with insights, tips and advice from Irish start-up entrepreneurs and business owners.

Ireland’s leading independent, online resource for anyone starting and growing a business. Established in 2005, we are the longest serving, largest and most comprehensive advice platform covering everything you need to know start, buy, run or sell a business. Whether you’re looking for inspiration to launch your own start-up, the latest insights into the Tech Startup scene or tips on how to manage your startup – we’ve got it covered. This site was created by entrepreneurs to be a starting place for people interested in setting up their own business.


Who can help me start my business in Ireland?
A useful site for young people, which includes this article about starting a business in Ireland. is Ireland’s youth information website created by young people, for young people. They provide information to more than 180,000 active readers each month. Established in 2005, our vision is to help create an Ireland where young people aged between 16 and 25 are empowered with the information they need to live active, happy, and healthy lives. They aim to educate and inform our readers about the importance of holistic wellbeing and how good health can be maintained, both physically and mentally.


Local Enterprise Office - 10 Step Guide to Starting a Business
If you're thinking of starting a business, our Start Your Own Business Programme will help you, from developing and researching your ideas, learning basic business start-up skills and expanding your potential with marketing and financial planning advice. Our Start Your Own Business programme introduces you to thinking about running your business and testing out your business ideas and plans along with like-minded people.


Start Your Own Business Programme
Start Your Own Business Aims: It is important to plan in advance of setting up a business. Preparation is the single most important thing you can do to ensure your fledging business gets off the ground and continues flying. Key Issues Include: Is your business idea viable? Can you develop a competitive and sustainable enterprise? Are you prepared to take the risk? What skills do you require to achieve your objectives? Who Should Attend? The LEO SYOB programme focuses on: Anyone with a business idea they want to develop Anyone looking at self-employment as a realistic career option. Anyone who has recently started a business The programme will guide you through the various aspects of business and business planning. The objective is to assist you in assessing your idea, its viability and to decide if you should proceed or take a step back.


Step by step guide to starting your own business - Irish Times
There has really never been a better time to start your own business. Thanks to Government initiatives, start-up communities and entrepreneur networks there is a smorgasbord of information available to surf your way through. Places such as your Local Enterprise Office (LEO) have developed courses and programmes to take you from the ideas board to having your product on the shelf, you no longer need to have a background in business to set up your own, you can just learn as you go. If you have created an innovation and feel that you want to put the business wheels into action we’ve set out a step-by-step strategy taking in the practicalities of getting your business up and running.


How to Start a Business in Ireland
An interesting step-by-step article which explains how to go about starting a business in Ireland.


Enterprise Ireland - Start a Business in Ireland
A hotbed of entrepreneurship and international business, Ireland is at the heart of the European Union, is a great place to live and work. As a country with a strong entrepreneurial spirits, there are many benefits to starting your business here in Ireland and none more so than the fact that Enterprise Ireland invests in approximately 200 start ups each year… the next one could be yours.


Companies Registration Office
Registration of a business name is obligatory if any individual or partnership (whether composed of individuals or bodies corporate or any combination of both) or any body corporate carries on business under a name other than their own true names. Its purpose is to make public the identities of those individual(s), partnerships or corporate bodies being the legal entity behind the business name. Companies Registration Office Bloom House, Gloucester Place Lower, Dublin 1


Starting a Company in Ireland for Non-Residents
Congratulations on choosing Ireland as a place to register your company. As well as our low Corporation Tax rate of 12.5% (0% for some companies until 2021), there are many advantages of doing business in Ireland. Company Bureau can register an Irish Company for you as quickly and efficiently as possible. We have vast experience in incorporating Irish Companies for non-residents and assisting with the provision of Corporate Services and Compliance for same. There are, however, a couple of points you must address as a non-resident looking at starting a company and register an Irish company.


Citizens Information - Starting a Business
If you are thinking of setting up a business there are a number of issues you need to consider. Different supports and regulations apply, depending on your particular situation. You may be employed, unemployed or someone who is coming from outside Ireland to set up a business. This document highlights some of the important information you need to know with links to relevant topics. You can read more in our documents, Sources of information on starting a business and Becoming self-employed. The Citizens Information Board is the statutory body which supports the provision of information, advice and advocacy on a broad range of public and social services. It provides the Citizens Information website,, and supports the voluntary network of Citizens Information Centres and the Citizens Information Phone Service - 0761 07 4000.

Start-up articles

100's of free startup articles

We have created a collection of 100s of startup articles to help anyone with whatever stage they are on with their business journey. Hundreds of thousands of people have gone before you and we can learn from what they got right and avoid the things that have been proved not to work so well.

You can see the full list of 'articles' at: How to start a business