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How to Start a Business in Washington

Free start-up resources and useful local contacts.

Improve your chances of success!

How to Start a Business in Washington

Starting a business in Washington

If you are thinking about starting a business in Washington or would like to grow your existing business, we would love to help you.

Start Your Own Business in Washington contains resources and the information that will help give your venture the best chance of success. It also highlights organisations who offer friendly advice and the services that you are likely to need as a new startup or local business owner.

Grants | Networking groups | Business advice | Mentoring | Co-working spaces

Starting a business in Washington

Local help for startups

There is plenty of help for startups in Washington but where can it be found?

Select classification:

Starting a Business in Washington

Business advice and support

"Two heads are better than one."

Whether you have been trading for some time, are new to the market or are just thinking about starting a business of your own, it has been proven that your chances of success are considerably improved if you seek support from an experienced business advisor or mentor. You can find out more about both options at Business Advice in Washington and Business Mentors in Washington.

Funding and grants

Running out of money is one the most common reasons why businesses fail. This risk of this happening to can be avoided (or minimised) by careful planning and cashflow forecasting. If you need additional funds to start or keep your business going, you can learn more about your options and download our free funding factsheet at: Washington Business Grants and Business Funding

Business networking

Does the idea of business networking fill you with delight or dread? Either way, it can be beneficial for both your business and you as an entrepreneur. See Business Networking in Washington for details of local groups and our free Networking Factsheet.

Business premises

Working from home is appealing to many new business owners but not practical for many others. Even if you are running a business by yourself, you might like to consider the option of 'hot desking' or co-working in one of the many flexi-workspaces that have emerged in recent years. Find out more at: Washington Co-Working and Business Premises.

Finding new customers

Paying customers are the lifeblood of any business. Knowing how to find, satisfy and retain them is vitally important and best achieved with the help of experts in the field.

Accountancy, tax and law

While starting a new business is very exciting, this should not disguide the fact that there are some very important legal responsibilities that must be considered. See: Bookkeeping, Accountancy, Financial Planning and Law

Local partners

We are happy to promote anyone who is prepared to offer friendly support to local start-ups.

Our local partners have been kind enough to help us and are keen to help you too.

Free Startup Resources

Getting it right from the start can help to prevent problems later.

To help you with this we have created a vast selection of resources and they are all completely free!

FREE startup workshops

If you are thinking about starting a business, our FREE three-hour ONLINE workshop is definitely for you!

Open to everyone, our sole aim is to increase your chances of success. We do that by explaining:

The reality of running a business; the most common pitfalls and how to avoid them; which legal status is likely to be most suitable; funding, grants and managing your money; business planning and cashflow forecasting; finding and keeping customers.

Free startup guide

Start Your Own Business in 2021

Download the 2024 edition of our Free Start Your Own Business guide

An interactive step-by-step guide which also includes all of the most important subjects covered in an easy-to-read way with links to useful online articles and relevant contacts.

The idea of starting your own business can be incredibly exciting and who can blame you for being tempted?

However, the sad truth is that far too many new enterprises fail in the early stages. Our aim is to make sure that you don’t become one of them.

This guide explains the key start-up subjects in simple English.

There is also plenty of help available in the area and much of it is free - please do make the most of it.

Read more about what our Free guide contains and how you can download it.
Starting a business in Washington

Key Contacts in Washington

'You don't know what you don't know' is a phrase that is so applicable to starting a new business.

Washington is a great place for start-ups but your chances of success are dramatically improved if you make the most of the support that is available locally. Click on logos to visit their websites.

Web design

Team Marvel
Team Marvel is a trail-blazing, international digital agency based in Newcastle in the North East of England. Our team comprises of over 65 years experience in the industry specialising in brand design, web design, web development, SEO and social media. We have a background in REAL business and that combined with our creativity is a winning formula for driving projects to be a success. Our MAIN goal is to get you the results that you want to achieve whilst maintaining a completely transparent and business-focussed approach. We focus on building relationships meaning that you will be involved in the whole process of your project and we can discuss the best way to deliver it so that your potential customers love what you are showcasing and have to offer. Our office is always open to you and you’re welcome to call in for a chat and a coffee anytime you want BUT we can also talk to you over the phone or video call if that is a better alternative. Reach out to us and lets get the ball rolling.

Online Marketing

North East Social Media Ltd
We work with start ups and established SMEs to help them with their online marketing. Showing them how to raise their profile and drive traffic to their websites and of course improve SEO predominantly through the use of Social Media. Amanda Dixon, our Social Media Guru, is also the Social Media Specialist for North Tyneside, working with new business start ups at The Business Factory North Shields.


Graham R Turner
We prepare Accounts/Self Assessment Return & specialise in Sole Traders, Partnerships, Income from Property, Tax Enquiries – We are here to help! Established in 1997 and with over 36 years combined experience, Graham R Turner accountancy and taxation services specialise in Sole Traders and Partnerships. We bring a depth of experience and knowledge when it comes to managing your self assessment, tax returns and accounts preparation as well as getting prepared for implementation of ‘Maxing tax digital’ (MTD) which starts in April 2021, we are ready, are you? If you are considering being self-employed or are currently self employed as a sole trader or partnership looking for a bespoke service in and around the Carlisle area or in the Tyne Valley, Northumberland or North Tyneside. We can arrange to come to you at work, home or a convenient location to discuss your individual requirements in more detail.


The Lonely Middle Club - From Startup Hive
Starting a business is exciting, and succeeding is rewarding, but what about the bit between? You know, that bit that’s full of self-doubt, endless repetition and feelings of being out of your comfort zone? We call it ‘The Lonely Middle’ and it’s one of the hardest parts of creating a successful business. We know, we’ve been there. So, we created The Lonely Middle Club to help you through it. Each month you get exclusive content to help give you the knowledge and inspiration to succeed. Plus, you get access to a private members-only Facebook group where you can get advice and network with small business owners who are going through similar challenges to you. If you want even more, you can download our 51 worksheets, guides, and journals all designed to do one thing, and one thing only… help you get through ‘The Lonely Middle’ and achieve your business goals. Visit our website today to join the club and benefit from our members price lock and full no questions asked money-back guarantee.


TEDCO offer FREE advice, guidance, up-to-date information and can help you to write a business plan. We can help you decide if you have what it takes to set up a new business, look at the reality of starting your business and the skills and qualities you will need


TEDCO helps new and established businesses by providing information and advice on every aspect of running a business, including business start-up, survival, success and growth. TEDCO also manages three business centres in South Tyneside and one in Northumberland offering a range of workshop, manufacturing and office space with flexible terms.


TEDCO is a leading company in enterprise development which re-invests its profit and aims to help generate prosperity in the North East. The company was formed in 1984 and is located in South Tyneside, North Tyneside and Berwick upon Tweed.


Project North East Group
The PNE Group designs, builds and manages innovative projects that help enterprising people and communities develop their ideas, and create wealth and employment. The purpose of the PNE Group is to develop sustainable organisations globally through people, performance and place. We regard ourselves as social entrepreneurs doing challenging things throughout the world. Success is based on a sound understanding of best practice, married with practical experience of working with small businesses and community projects.


Irwin Mitchell Newcastle
The law firm of Irwin Mitchell is one of the largest law firms located in the United Kingdom. Their variety of expertise as well as their cadre of competent solicitors has catapulted Irwin Mitchell to the top of their industry. The law firm has offices all over the U.K. to make it much simpler for citizens to gain access to their services. One office is located in Newcastle. This office houses a large number of solicitors with a wide range of legal expertise. This group of solicitors also has a lot of experience especially in personal injury law as well as dealing with medical negligence. The managing partner of this branch is a specialized expert in head and spinal cord injuries. The Newcastle office of Irwin Mitchell of course serves people within the city of Newcastle. However, other surrounding areas are served as well. The Newcastle office is the centre for Irwin Mitchell services in the Northern part of England. This would include Tyne, Wear, Northumberland, Teesside, Co Durham and Cumbria. A variety of legal services are offered by the Newcastle office. They have experience with and are able to assist you with personal injury claims. The type of claims runs the full gamut. Serious injury claims such as head and spinal injuries are a service provided. Also, mesothelioma claims as well as claims made for other asbestos related diseases are supported. Road accidents and criminal injury are other areas that the Newcastle office of Irwin Mitchell can assist with. Claims of work injury, burns, scars, lacerations, childrens accidents and more are part of the personal injury legal services offered by the team at Irwin Mitchell in Newcastle. Assistance with Medical negligence claims are another type of service offered in Newcastle. The specific type of medical negligence case can vary. The solicitors at the Newcastle can help with many types such as claims pertaining to the eyes, cancer, accidents, mental health, pregnancy, birth, surgery and more.

Start-up articles

100's of free startup articles

We have created a collection of 100s of startup articles to help anyone with whatever stage they are on with their business journey. Hundreds of thousands of people have gone before you and we can learn from what they got right and avoid the things that have been proved not to work so well.

You can see the full list of 'articles' at: How to start a business