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20 Top Tips To Market Your Start Up

So, you've got a great idea and you are going to start your own business. If you have never run your own business before, you may be wondering where to begin with your marketing your new adventure. Blowing your own trumpet can feel a bit strange, but it is a necessary part of any business.

Here are some tips to get you going.

1. Visualise your customers and be really clear about who will want your your product or service. Let every stitch of marketing speak to that group of people.

2. Talk to other people who are already successful in business. Ask them for advice about what has worked and what hasnt.

3. Create your branding. Think about this carefully and turn to nature for your inspiration. Here are some tips.

4. Set up a website. WordPress is great, it doesnt have to be perfect, let it grow with you. Give me a shout if you need a hand with this. It doesnt have to be all singing and dancing, just create a home on the web so that people can find you.

5. Set up and regularly update at least one social media network. Add photos of things that you do or produce. Consistency is key.

6. Make some flyers and pass them out.

7. Get a calling card or a business card. Make it quirky so it stands out. Give them out.

8. Word of mouth is always best, tell your friends and ask them to keep an eye out for anyone who might be interested.

9. Just do it. The riskiest thing you can do is NOTHING.

10. Laminate posters and put them in places that your customers frequent.

11. Offer a few freebies to get people talking.

12. Hold a talk, film or slide night or open house.

13. Network whenever you can, not just at business meetings, but in your daily travels. Link local businesses with each other, it will come back to you.

14. Create a press release about one specific product or service launch. Create a local story.

15. Blog and tell your story and then post your blog on social networking sites.

16. Contribute to discussions in your field on and offline.

17. Take out an advert in industry magazines.

18. Put a notice in the local parish newsletter.

19. Talk about the benefits of what you do rather than getting bogged down in details of what you actually do.

20. Make sure your ethics and values shine through in everything you publish

There are lots of things that you can do. Marketing is everything you do - you dont have to spend a fortune on expensive adverts, the most important thing is to get started!

By Kay Hebbourn of Brand You Brilliant
Social Media, WordPress Websites, Branding & Training,

Kay Hebbourn

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