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Marketing Opportunities For Your Business

With so many businesses pouring their marketing budgets into digital advertising, it’s easy to forget the profound benefits that face to face marketing can offer.

When you can look your customers in the eye, you can better connect with them and showcase what your business or service can offer. It also allows you to better convey your business philosophy, build trust and improve your visibility in ways that digital marketing simply can’t.

That’s why you shouldn’t restrict yourself to digital but instead consider how you can bring this sense of connection to your business marketing efforts.

Here are some of the most popular of these marketing opportunities for your business.

1. Pop-up stores
Pop-up stores can be the foot in the door for many small businesses. They don’t require a lot of commitment, are more cost-friendly, and a great way to experiment with new ideas.

However, finding the space or premises for a pop-up store can be tricky, and so many busines owners are turning to more innovative and flexible ways to install a pop-up store. One of these notable trends are shipping containers, which can be converted to suit different needs.

Using them creates a market-feel that attracts all ages and demographics and because they have a temporary feel, will encourage spontaneous purchases.

They’re also easy to modify into any design you want and house all kinds of businesses from restaurants, bars and cafes, to clothing and crafts retail and everything else in between.

Unlike many other temporary premises, they’re very easy to lock up safely so you don’t need to worry about anything happening to your stock out of hours. As shipping container providers, S Jones say, “Shipping containers are known for their strength, security, versatility, and durability – making them the perfect basis for many applications, often beating the cost of traditional buildings.”

2. Exhibition units & stands
Exhibition stands are an excellent way to showcase your brand out and catch your customer’s eye whilst also demonstrating your brand’s eco awareness and innovation.

“Your branding is your identity, so you need to make sure your stand fits in with the style of your business,” says leading marketing printers Solo Press, speaking of maximising your impact at these shows, “Your exhibition stand needs to look like it belongs with the rest of your exhibition marketing, making you instantly recognisable and sticking in the forefront of customers’ minds.”

Of course, the trick here is to ensure that your stand is one of the most memorable. Offer freebies such as coffee or cake, or a month’s free trial, depending on your service, if visitors provide you with their email addresses. Use eye-catching visuals, and maybe even host different mini challenges throughout the day, to keep people coming back.

Most importantly, ensure that you take the time to answer any questions you receive, and show your visitors why they should remember your business.

3. Product testing or launching
Although the digital age offers a huge range of marketing possibilities, it can often miss the mark when it comes to publicising new products. There’s nothing like getting face-to-face with your customers, sharing your exciting new offers and offering samples.

As promotional event staffing experts, Touchdown Events say, offering samples; “...increases exposure and also allows the customers to get a taste of your product and leave them wanting more. It also allows consumers to leave feeling confident and exhilarated about their purchase.”

Customers also feel more confident when researching your business after using a sample as they have that sense of understanding that only experience can provide. Therefore, providing free or cheap samples can draw in more customers as you are literally offering people a chance to build their trust.

Ideas for samples can include temporarily offering a new meal or snack outside your shop, providing smaller versions of products, or a few chapters of your latest book/article/newsletter.

4. Temporary premises for festivals or new locations
Many businesses such as wellness professionals, hairdressers, tattoo artists, artists, and those who run workshops find they’re stuck when it comes to marketing their offerings.

They can’t give away free samples, attend trade shows or exhibitions, or hire temporary promotional staff. In fact, they need physical premises in order to run their business. So booking temporary premises for festivals and events can be a great way to reach out to a larger audience, even a new one.

Similar to the exhibitions, you need to consider how you’re ging to make your festival stall/temporary premises stand out from the crowd. It’s essential your brand message is loud and clear, and the overall appearance is suited for your audience.

Final thoughts
There are so many unique and friendly ways to promote your business. These offline ideas will help turn your business into a brand, as you’ll be face to face with your customers so you can better connect with them.

S Jones Containers

The ultimate guide to exhibiting at trade shows

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