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Google Analytics

It's important to monitor your website visitors. Using statistics, you will be able to see which pages visitors look at most, where visitors are going and what they are downloading.

Google Analytics helps you find out what keywords attract your most desirable prospects, what advertising copy generated the most replies and what landing pages and content are most profitable to you.

Google Analytics is completely free, so you spend on marketing, not on web analytics.

Sophisticated analytics.
Google Analytics has all the features you would expect from a high-end analytics offering. It also provides tightly integrated AdWords support, so you can view AdWords ROI metrics without having to import cost data or add keyword-tracking codes.

Easy to use.
Google Analytics is easy to use for novice marketers while delivering all the capabilities that experienced web analytics professionals expect.
Scalable for any size site.

Google Analytics is a hosted service that runs on the same servers that power Google. From large, high-traffic corporate sites to small sites, Google Analytics delivers consistent service.

Integrated with AdWords.
If you have an AdWords account, you can use Google Analytics directly from the AdWords interface. Google Analytics also calculates ROI metrics from automatically imported cost and keyword-tracking data, saving you time.

Tracks all campaigns.
Google Analytics tracks all online campaigns, from emails to keywords, regardless of search engine or referral source.

Do it yourself
You can setup the system by creating your Google account and then pasting the Google Analytics tracking code into your website.

Kindly supplied by Toolkit Websites Ltd
30 Carlton Crescent, Southampton, SO15 2EW.

Toolkit Websites Ltd

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