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How Can Postcard Marketing Help The Small Business?

Postcards are not inexpensive but, if used correctly, can be a very effective marketing tool.

When done correctly, marketing with postcards can be a very rewarding experience for a business owner. First of all, this form of direct mail marketing requires only a small budget and can yield big returns. In fact, many business owners discover that email marketing often generates positive response from their target market.

How can you make postcard marketing work for your business? Consider the following suggestions:

Define your goal. What is your primary purpose for this particular postcard marketing campaign? For instance, would you like to introduce a new product or service? Would you like to announce the opening of your new shop? Would you like to invite people to check out your business website?

A postcard has only a limited space so you need to use every inch of it correctly. By defining your goal, you can create the perfect message to support it. Stay focused and make sure that every element of your marketing postcard, from the design to the message- is in line with your goal.

Know your audience. As with any method of advertising, you need to know who your audience before you plan your marketing campaign. To whom do you plan to send your postcards to? Are they moms, teenagers, yuppies, or businessman? What captures their interest? What is most likely to get their attention? Once youve defined your target market, you will be able to create a suitable marketing copy and postcard design.

Leave some white space. Make sure that theres enough white space on your postcard. Do not try to put a very lengthy message on your postcard so that it becomes too cluttered. You want your message to come across effectively so you dont want your reader to have a difficult time reading the content.

Less is more. With postcard marketing, a short and simple message is often more effective. BE creative and use your imagination so you can put together a strong copy that can be read in a matter of seconds.

Use the back of the postcard. Another great technique is to use both sides of the postcard. Many marketers have proven that it works better because no matter which side of the postcard faces the recipient firsthand, it will still be visually appealing.

Timing is crucial. Sending marketing postcards during weekdays when there is less bulk of mail is usually more effective because your card doesnt have to compete with other mails.

Mail first class. First Class postage may cost a little more but its certainly worth the expense because it gives you important features such as the Return to Sender option. It also bears a real stamp which makes a postcard look like a personal mail rather than an advertiser mail.

Encourage positive action. BE sure to use call-to-action words or phrases that tell the recipient exactly what he or she should do next. Also, give a good reason why they should act right away such as to avail of a discount, get a free gift, or get rewarded.

Lisa Olsen

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