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Internet Marketing Tips

How to create an effective internet marketing strategy for your new business.

People tend to reflect on their work and see what was working and what was not working. This is especially true in the Internet marketing world. Putting forth new energy and ideas in your efforts can most definitely revitalize your results. Its not necessary though to eliminate everything youve done in the prior year so just analyze what worked and carry over those efforts in this new year.

You should first examine your current strategy and see what efforts you can drop. When developing your new strategy be sure to incorporate these proven Internet marketing training steps:

1. Focus on People and not Search Engines
You should always concentrate your efforts on your audience. This means when you write your content write for your audience first and search engines second. Your audience are the ones who are going to promote your site, link to you, and be repeat visitors. The way to do this is write your article post without doing any keyword research. After it is written go to a keyword tool such as Googles and find related keywords that have a good number of searches. Try and fit these keywords in your article but make sure it looks natural.

2. Look at your internal links structure
Its ok to link to yourself so go ahead and do it within your articles. When youre writing content make sure you link to other posts that youve written and use proper anchor text. This helps search engines find those posts and turn them into inbound links.

3. Use pictures
The third step in these Internet marketing training tips suggest to use images as part of your efforts. They spruce up your content which makes your post look more impressive. This also increases your chances of being found if people are doing image searches. On your images be sure to include a clear description in your ALT caption and include the word "picture" or "image".

4. Look at your page titles
Do not make the mistake of wasting space in your titles with extraneous or frivolous words. Keep your title roughly 65 characters including spaces and include relevant keywords and descriptions. For example, if youre looking for a junk removal company in Tampa, FL a suggested title may be Tampa Junk Removal | XYZ Junk Removal Services | 813-555-1234

5. The more content the better
Its a fact that the search engines like quality content - and a lot of it! The more pages you have is the better the chance of being found. The best way to do this is through a blog. Even the most technologically-challenged person can easily produce weekly blog posts. By utilizing this Internet marketing tactic your website will stay fresh and offer the search engines more content to display in the search results.

These Internet marketing training tips from the University of San Francisco are the beginning and lays the foundation for optimal search engine optimization. Internet marketing trends will come and go but these steps will last year over year and help you maintain and grow your business for years to come. If youd like to learn more or take an Internet marketing course please visit USFs page at

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