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Is Your Company's Web Presence Providing You With Constant, Sustainable Income?

There has been a huge explosion of ecommerce selling in recent years and it is important to consider all factors prior to launching any website, to ensure your website is going to work for you and be fully compliant with the law.

Questions that are being asked are:

1. Is the Web Design Company permitted to sell me the design?

2. What are the consequences of using a design that I dont have the right to use?

3. How do you know whether you are buying an inferior or illegal site?

4. Will the site meet all of my companies needs?

5. What will the site look like on other peoples computers and internet browsers?

6. Would I expect the web design company to take care of adding everything to the site?

7. Do I have to pay for my website up front?

8. Are there any ongoing fees for hosting or do I have to arrange this myself?

9. Will I receive any after sales service?

Is the Web Design company permitted to sell me the design?

A seller should not offer you any kind of website unless they designed it themselves, or have the permission of the rights holder to sell the site. If they have purchased the templates from a legitimate seller, it is unlikely they are permitted to sell them even if they think or say they are.
This is quite often overlooked and rarely understood. If you purchase a website design that the web designer is not permitted to sell, you may find yourself facing litigation and a hefty fine.

What are the consequences of using a design that I dont have the right to use?

Using an un-authorised web design could seriously damage your businesses. You may also be sued for doing so. If you use a design that belongs to somebody else without their permission you will get caught as your site will be broadcast across the web.

Your prospective customers may be aware that the design you are using does not belong to you, making them suspicious towards your trading intentions your customers may believe that youll also be prepared to sell stolen property. They may also feel that your site is a non-credible site, designed to take their money and deliver little value. Its not a good start if your customers arent confident.

Sellers who sell you a site they have not designed themselves may have little or no understanding of how it all works. It is important for your web designer to have a full knowledge of how your platform works to ensure the best user experience for your customers. They may not have the technical ability to fix any security issues that arise, leaving you with the responsibility if your site is hacked and your customers details are stolen from you.

How do you know whether you are buying an inferior or illegal site?

Use your common sense, if it looks too good to be true it probably is. Cheap is not always the best option.
Ask the seller if they designed the website design. If they tell you they didnt ask to see proof that they are allowed to sell you the design.
There are very few designers or legitimate Intellectual property rights holders that will allow any kind of unlimited resale of their designs. Ensure you are buying a legitimate product.

It is extremely likely they will have no right to sell the design to you if they are using a generic site.

Read the web design companies Terms & Conditions. If they make any disclaimers regarding the design be extremely vigilant.

Will the site meet all of my companies needs?

If you have any specific concerns or requirements ensure you discuss these fully with the web design company.

You may find that the site youre considering purchasing doesnt quite do what you are wanting it to. It may not have the shipping or payment options that you need. It may not be mobile ready and future proof. Is the site expandable ready for your companys growth? Reputable web design companies will be able to answer any concerns you may have and can often add features if they are not already included. They may charge for adding some features, but its better to buy from a designer that can do this rather than one that cannot.

Web designers that do not understand the product they are selling may list features that are not included because they have modelled copy from a competitors website. If they copy from other web sites they may be doing this for your website. Ensure that you can a full input as to the wording and images that are applied to your website.

What will the site look like on other peoples computers and internet browsers?

There are lots of browsers that are available for web surfers to use. To name a few, Microsofts Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apples Safari, Googles Chrome. A good web designer will ensure the design is compatible with all currant web browsers to ensure your web site provides an excellent and easy to use customer experience.

Would I expect the web design company to take care of adding everything to the site?

There are many web design packages on the market. These range from DIY to full design and build. Some people are very knowledgeable and tech savvy and can use a platform to build a website themselves. For the average person this would be very time consuming and the result could be insufficient and even damage the companys reputation. Most people would choose to use a web design company that would take care of the entire project whilst the client has full input to make decisions relating to branding and user experience. This allows for the client to be free to do whats required within their company.

Do I have to pay for my website up front?

Again, there are many web design packages on the market and they vary hugely. Most web design companies expect their clients to pay 50% up front and the remaining 50% when the website is launched. Many companies cannot afford to pay for their new websites up front. Many are start ups, where cash flow is important and capital input needs to be used for alternative recourses, such as staff etc. The more ethical and customer wary web design companies take this into consideration and offer their clients ways to pay for their websites in instalments.

Are there any ongoing fees for hosting or do I have to arrange this myself?

This depends on the product you are purchasing. Some web design companies sell the site allowing you to arrange for your own hosting whilst others will include hosting as part of the package. Both options are fully suitable. It is important to verify the charges for continued hosting.

Will I receive any after sales service?

This all depends upon the web design company. Most quality companies will assist you with excellent post sale customer service. Ensure the web designers you decide to use can service your needs after your website is launched and are willing to make additions to the website as your company expands.

Our advice is quite simple. We understand that you are busy and your time is precious. But it imperative that you fully communicate with your web designer to ensure they fully understands your requirements and can deliver exactly what you desire. This will ensure you get the website that your company needs whilst avoiding any costly mistakes.

We at Safetech Design like to offer more than just Web Design.
We ensure our clients create a web presence that is second to none that really does work to ensure them a platform that has potential to attract repeat customers and huge profits.


Safetech Design
Safetech Design LTD

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