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Seo Copywriting For Small Business & New Business Start Ups

SEO copywriting...a slice in the internet marketing wheel. Social media, internet marketing and SEO copywriting are inextricably linked: without one the other two significantly dilute.

Everyones talking blogging. Not surprising, social media platforms have dramatically changed the landscape. People are making their voice heard. So whats this got to do with SEO copywriting in south west London? By using blogs to interact with your optimized copy, you get the best value. How?

First, you have to get your webcopy up to date and working for you. By this I mean creating content that inspires people: they want to let the world know about it by linking to, or sharing it...and buying into your service.

The best way to do this is to make your copy a jolly good read. In other words dont bang on about yourself. No need to talk silly but lighten the load and talk about what your visitors have come to your site for, in the first place: to see if you can help them. Talk to them directly, make readers feel comfortable because you can solve their problem and youre a nice person to do business with.

Seamlessly woven into your copy must be your fully researched keywords – and dont just plonk them in randomly, using the most popular ones. The less competitive ones are likely to get you more attention.

The search engines love those they can trust and, like people, are no fools.. Its no good trying to deceive them; hah, theyre much too clever for that. If you start stuffing in keywords youll quickly be in the spam basket.

Same goes for links. Link your pages to make it easy for visitors to wander around and feel more at ease. This is where your blog page can come in handy. Your website and copy can become interactive so your business builds up a community around your product or service.

Search engines love blogs. Update them frequently and the engines will visit and index new pages so you can be found super quick. Not only that, it will look fresh and inviting to returning visitors. You can send your blogs to trusted sites and link them back to you, a similar blog or another trusted site. A good London SEO copywriter should be able to do this for you, whilst keeping ahead of the latest Google news and changes.

However new you are to business, you presumably have some sort of background experience or expertise in your field. Blog posts can be shared across the social networks, so you spread the word about what you do.

You can give an opinion, recommend a product or service. By tweeting, posting a blog, reviews or bookmarking, you can influence millions of others and draw attention to yourself. All this activity sooner or later begins to have an effect on your page ranking.

What really determines the ranking criteria of a page is what happens away from the page, including links from other sites and social media. With so many people talking about your business, its easy to see how your credibility, trust and expert authority helps the pages you want to rank high, for certain keywords.

Back to SEO copywriting: if your copy isnt good enough to attract those favourable links, it doesnt matter how optimised your content is, no-one is going to pay much attention to it. Its a threefold thing: the skilled SEO copywriter will 1) produce copy that helps bring people to the website by pitching frequency and density of targeted keywords against changing algorithms 2) create strategic link building to and from trusted sites 3) create compelling, reader friendly copy that engages and entices. The site must also sell its products to the visitors or there isnt much point in them coming. In brief:

- make it easy for search engines with strategic keywords
- create good link building strategies
- write content that visitors love

Summary: SEO copywriting is the art of writing words that engages your customers and helps improve search results. Its about creating optimized copy that retains or persuades customers to buy into your product or service, getting maximum impact from your website. SEO web copywriting services in south west London and Surrey mean better rankings and improved conversions.

Drop me a line anytime, happy to give free tips.
Sandy Eifion-Jones
SEJ PR & Editing Services
T: 020 8979 4947
M: 07985 249 964
W: Sandy Eifion-Jones
SEJ PR & Editing Services

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