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Why Employ A Business Coach To Help With Your Start Up?

As a business startup, you will have a budget to stick to. This means that you need to keep your expenditure to a minimum whilst trying to grow your business. So why employ a business coach?

Will a business coach help you or will it turn out to be an additional expense that you cant afford? Read on to find out what you should employ a mentor or coach in even the earliest stages of your business.

Why Employ a Business Coach as a New Business Owner?

Becoming your own boss is an enormous step. It is a decision that you wont have taken lightly, and one that you most likely contemplated for some time before taking the plunge. Employing a mentor or coach can mean the difference between failure and success for you. Staying alive as a new business owner is a difficult time. It is a time where you will experience things that are entirely new to you.


Your will have experiences that upset your stomach, exciting ones as well as terrifying ones. Terrifying times lie ahead, and your journey will not be a smooth one. If you dislike roller-coaster rides, imagine being stuck on one that keeps on going round and round. If you love adrenaline, then you may believe that you will have an easier ride. This is not necessarily true. For all the high points you will also experiences many low ones. When you have a bad day, or when a deal falls through or a customer cancels on you at the last minute.

Success or Failure?

Employing a coach at the early stages can mean the difference between your long term success and failure. At times you may feel you have made the wrong decisions in breaking away from the 9 to 5 life you left behind. All these insecurities and low moments wont feel so bad if you have someone you can share your feelings with. But you should not ask a family member or friend who may appear supportive, but who cant realistically help you. What you need is someone who is experienced and who will be 100% dedicated to you, and that person is a qualified business coach.

Avoid Stagnation!

Employing a business coach will ensure you avoid stagnation, and will make sure you progress and reach your goals. A coach can help you get out of a rut, and will give you professional advice and criticism on your business, your ideas, and your ethos as an entrepreneur. Not only will a business coach be dedicated to you, he will be the perfect collective for brainstorming. He will listen to you and help you understand what your goals should be and how you can realistically achieve them.

A professional business mentor or coach is a perfect sounding board for bouncing your ideas off. Unlike a family member who may listen to you, a coach will offer you impartial and professional advice that you can trust. He will guide you, reassure, and make sure you reach your full potential. He will support you in your weak moments, giving you the encouragement to carry on and not throw in the towel when things look bleak. Hiring a coach will make the journey from new business owner to successful entrepreneur a smoother one. Your chosen coach will navigate the storm that lies ahead with you, ensuring a calmer passage from newbie business owner to a roaring business success.

Chris Kenber
Chris Kenber Business Coach

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