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Why Do You Need A Lead Capture Sytem On Your Website

Well the answer is fairly simple, you want to take control of the potential customers who are visiting your site and not just hope that they will contact you.

You will be able to create a database of potential customers that you can market directly to.

All types of sales are dependent on leads. Therefore, having a lead capture system is a wise move in your online marketing strategy. It gives you something tangible to work from when you need more sales. And who doesnt need more sales?

Lead Capture Systems Defined

A lead capture system is nothing else than simply an opt-in box that offers more information. For instance a newsletter subscription, a report for free, etc. In other words it is a freebie in exchange for simple contact information. Try and only ask for the information you need, the more information the visitor needs to give the less likely it will be that they subscribe.

Dont forget that these visitors already visited your site and are obviously interested which makes them likely customers. Thats why it is important keep in touch with them.

- Send newsletters on a regularly bases but not too often.

- Keep your subscribers posted on news, offerings and sales.

- Offer unique deals for those on your opt-in list. This is a good way to generate business when things are slow.

You will need to put auto responders in place, so that as people opt in, they are greeted, welcomed and introduced to your products or services through a series of letters. If you havent used a free report to get them to join your email list, offer it now.

By building your email list and marketing to it regularly with useful information, you will enjoy the power of a larger customer base.

Building an Email List

There are a number of excellent reasons why you should start to build an email list for your business. Large companies recognize the value of email lists, but often, small companies do not. However, you should know the many advantages to an email list.

Multiple selling opportunities. If a visitor goes to your website and doesnt buy anything, once they leave, they may be gone for good. Once on your list it is ease to stay on their mind

Send out special offers, holiday specials, breaking news, etc.

More sales to existing customers. Because your existing customers will be on the email list they will also be in steady contact with you and this will allow you to make special offers and promotions that will induce further sales.

More referral opportunities.

Creates a branding image.

Positions you as an "expert" if done properly.

By effectively using your email list, you will be on your way to helping your business thrive.

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